I always find it a bit tough to write something about myself... but, here you go:
I am a Webmaster, Webdesigner and Webdeveloper with over 15 years of experience in both front-end and back-end web development. I am passionate about elegant code and providing clients with high-end website development that engages their audience.
I use up-to-date technologies including PHP, MySQL, CSS3, HTML5, jQuery, Javascript and AJAX. Wordpress is my favorite CMS and I enjoy bringing Mobile-first/RWD (Responsive Web Design) technology to all projects to ensure the sites are as readable on the phone as they are on a computer screen.
Skills: Webdesign, Webdevelopment, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX, Wordpress Development and Design, Wordpress Themes, Wordpress Plugins and Wordpress Custom Content Types, ElevatedX, NATS, MechBunny, CARMA.
Find more about my ElevatedX Developer skills.